Self-Unlocking Your Digipass User Account

To prevent fraudulent use of Digipass authenticators, Digipass user accounts are usually locked after a specified number of unsuccessful authentication attempts. In this case, to be able to use your Digipass authenticator again, you need to unlock your Digipass user account first.

Unlocking your Digipass user account consists in successfully completing an authentication procedure on this page. The steps vary depending on which Digipass type you are using.

To unlock your Digipass user account:

One-Button Digipass Authenticators

  1. From the User Self-Management Website menu, select Manage > User Self-Unlock.
  2. Enter your user name.
  3. Enter your password.
    Your password is your PIN followed by the Digipass response.
  4. Click Unlock.
    If authentication is successful, your Digipass user account is unlocked and you can again use your Digipass authenticator.

Keypad Digipass Authenticators

  1. From the User Self-Management Website menu, select Manage > User Self-Unlock.
  2. Enter your user name.
  3. Enter your password.
    Your password is the Digipass response.
  4. Click Unlock.
    If authentication is successful, your Digipass user account is unlocked and you can again use your Digipass authenticator.


  1. From the User Self-Management Website menu, select Manage > User Self-Unlock.
  2. Enter your user name.
  3. Depending on the self-unlock instructions you received from the administrator, do one of the following:
    • Leave the Password field blank.
    • Enter your password.
      The password may be a keyword as well as or instead of your password, as instructed by the administrator.
  4. Click Unlock.
  5. Enter the challenge displayed on-screen into your Digipass authenticator.
  6. Enter the response from your authenticator in the Password field on this page.
  7. Click Unlock.
    If authentication is successful, your Digipass user account is unlocked and you can again use your authenticator.

Virtual Mobile Authenticator

  1. From the User Self-Management Website menu, select Manage > User Self-Unlock.
  2. Enter your user name.
  3. Enter your password.
    The password may be a keyword as well as or instead of your password, as instructed by the administrator.
  4. Click Unlock.
  5. Enter the OTP you have received via text message or e-mail in the Password field on this page.
  6. Click Unlock.
    If authentication is successful, your Digipass user account is unlocked and you can again use your Digipass authenticator.